Got the engine going at 8, which meant batteries getting a charge and, after 30 minutes, me getting a shower. The morning was less rainy than promised, with just an occasional spot of light drizzle.
After tying up in Brewood by Bridge 14, walked to the Post Office in the Co-op to collect the clamp meter. Then sat in the warm in the Lion Hotel downloading some iPlayer stuff – very comfortable. Finally, did a small shop, including discovering the butcher's / veggie shop, which seemed an excellent place.
Turner's were selling diesel at 69.9 – a full 10p cheaper than Norbury junction. Still not sure if I would have come down for it this time if I'd known, because of the rumour of quality problems I heard in Middlewich.
Ran the engine again in the evening.
10.7 miles, 1 lock, 7 hours engine