Friday, 13 September 2013

Fourlane Ends to Marple

Still sleeping in. Must be the northern air. Brightish morning, and picked some hedgerow fruit. Lunch by Bridge 11 as the rain started. Gentle drizzle as we came through to Marple. Fillled up with water at the point there, but the flow was abysmal.

Tied up on the 48 hour section just round the corner onto the Peak Forest – it would be rather generous to call them "moorings" as such, with so much of the bank worn and falling in, rings in short supply, and the state of the bottom making it really hard to get near the bank. But tie up we did, in the rain.

Started the engine early for bread-making. Very slow travelling because of the depth of the canal, and ran the engine for an extra hour in the evening, to get some more charge into the batteries. Not sure whether running it on tickover puts much charge in.

5.6 miles, 0 locks, 7 hours engine.